HB1601 - Data centers; site assessment for high energy use facility. | 02/21/2025 | Awaiting Governor's Action |
Notes: Provides that prior to any approval of a rezoning application, special exception, or special use permit for the siting of a new high energy use facility (HEUF), as defined in the bill, a locality shall require that an applicant perform and submit a site assessment to examine the sound profile of the HEUF on residential areas and schools within 500 feet of the HEUF property boundary. |
HB1827 - Comprehensive plan; social determinants of health. | 02/21/2025 | Awaiting Governor's Action |
Notes: Encourages localities to utilize relevant and available data and research related to social determinants of health to consider how the locality's adopted comprehensive plan will impact the locality’s overall public health and access to health care services. |
HB2024 - Solar photovoltaic equipment, etc.; national environmental protection and product safety standards. | 02/21/2025 | Awaiting Governor's Action |
Notes: No additional notes. |
HB2037 - Land development; solar canopies in surface parking areas. | 02/21/2025 | Awaiting Governor's Action |
Notes: Provides that any locality may include in its land development ordinances a provision that requires that an applicant must install a solar canopy over designated parking areas. |
HB2084 - Public utilities certain; SCC shall determine if using reasonable classifications of customers. | 02/21/2025 | Awaiting Governor's Action |
Notes: No additional notes. |
HB2128 - Derelict buildings; expands authority of localities to impose civil penalties. | 02/21/2025 | Awaiting Governor's Action |
Notes: Expands the authority of localities to impose civil penalties not exceeding $500 per month on the owners of certain derelict buildings to include non-residential property. Current law limits such civil penalties to residential property. |
HB2153 - Comprehensive plan; housing development by nonprofit organizations. | 02/21/2025 | Awaiting Governor's Action |
Notes: Grants authority to localities to adopt a variety of strategies intended to encourage and facilitate the development of affordable housing on property owned by religious organizations or tax-exempt nonprofit organizations. Same as SB1178. |
HB2533 - Counties, cities, and towns; comprehensive plan may include tiny homes or accessory dwelling units. | 02/21/2025 | Awaiting Governor's Action |
Notes: Clarifies that the comprehensive plan prepared by a local planning commission and adopted by a local governing body may include the use of accessory dwelling units, defined in the bill, as part of any residential development and use designated within such plan. The bill contains technical amendments. Same as SB1256. |
HB2537 - Energy storage requirements; Department of Energy, et al., to develop model ordinances, reports. | 02/21/2025 | Awaiting Governor's Action |
Notes: No additional notes. |
HB2630 - Trees; replacement during development process in localities, tree canopy fund. | 02/21/2025 | Awaiting Governor's Action |
Notes: Allows localities by ordinance to establish a tree canopy fund to collect, maintain, and distribute fees collected from developers that cannot provide for full tree canopy requirements where the development project is situated. |
HB2638 - Trees; conservation and replacement during development process. | 02/21/2025 | Awaiting Governor's Action |
Notes: Expands certain existing local government authority to conserve or replace trees during the development process by expanding such authority statewide. |
HB2660 - Subdivision ordinance; shortens timeframe for local approvals. | 02/21/2025 | Awaiting Governor's Action |
Notes: Shortens the timeframes for various local government approvals of subdivision plats and site plans. Additionally, the bill calls on the Virginia Code Commission to convene a work group consisting of various stakeholders to review existing provisions related to the submission, review, and approval of subdivision plats and site plans. |
SB1118 - Cemeteries on private property; registration by localities. | 02/21/2025 | Awaiting Governor's Action |
Notes: Requires localities to adopt an ordinance setting forth a register of identified cemeteries, graveyards, or other places of burial located on private property not belonging to any memorial or monumental association. Under current law, localities are permitted but not required to pass such an ordinance. The bill has a delayed effective date of July 1, 2026. |
SB1165 - Solar photovoltaic equipment, etc.; national environmental protection and product safety standards. | 02/21/2025 | Awaiting Governor's Action |
Notes: No additional notes. |
SB1254 - Comprehensive plan; environmental justice strategy. | 02/21/2025 | Awaiting Governor's Action |
Notes: Requires cities with populations greater than 20,000 and counties with populations greater than 100,000 to consider, at the next and all subsequent reviews of the comprehensive plan, adopting an environmental justice strategy. |
SB1313 - Affordable housing; local zoning ordinance authority, comprehensive plan. | 02/21/2025 | Awaiting Governor's Action |
Notes: Authorizes any locality in the Commonwealth to provide for an affordable housing dwelling unit program by amending the zoning ordinance of such locality. Current law restricts such authorization to counties with an urban county executive form of government or county manager plan of government and certain other localities. The bill has a delayed effective date of July 1, 2026. |
SB1394 - Energy storage requirements; Department of Energy, et al., to develop model ordinances, reports. | 02/21/2025 | Awaiting Governor's Action |
Notes: No additional notes. |
SB1449 - Data centers; site assessment for high energy use facility. | 02/21/2025 | Awaiting Governor's Action |
Notes: Provides that prior to any approval of a rezoning application, special exception, or special use permit for the siting of a new high energy use facility (HEUF), as defined in the bill, a locality shall require that an applicant perform and submit a site assessment to examine the sound profile of the HEUF on residential units and schools located within 500 feet of the HEUF property boundary. |
SB838 - Recovery residences; certification required penalty, report. | 02/21/2025 | Awaiting Governor's Action |
Notes: Changes the existing civil penalty for a violation of law related to the operation of recovery residences to a Class 1 misdemeanor. The bill also directs the Secretary of Health and Human Resources to convene a work group to (i) make recommendations related to oversight and transparency for recovery residences and (ii) develop credentialing guidelines for recovery residences. The bill directs the work group to report its findings and recommendations to the General Assembly by October 1, 2025. |
SB974 - Subdivision ordinance; plan review by designated agent, definition of "designated agent." | 02/21/2025 | Awaiting Governor's Action |
Notes: Removes planning commission and governing body approval authority for the administrative review process for plats and plans and assigns such authority solely to a designated agent, defined in the bill. Same as HB2293. |