Local Authority

Legislative Updates
HB1568 - Law-enforcement jurisdiction; Frederick County Sheriff's Dept. jurisdiction in/upon certain bldgs.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: Grants law-enforcement officers of Frederick County jurisdiction over offenses committed in the City of Winchester within one mile from the county line.
HB1705 - Virginia Retirement System; disability benefits for certain emergency dispatchers.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1718 - Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; enforcement by localities.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1792 - Local taxes; nonjudicial sale of tax delinquent real properties, threshold for nonjudicial sale.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1973 - Affordable housing; preservation, definitions, civil penalty.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2024 - Solar photovoltaic equipment, etc.; national environmental protection and product safety standards.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2128 - Derelict buildings; expands authority of localities to impose civil penalties.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2150 - Virginia Public Procurement Act; contract terms inconsistent with Virginia law.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2321 - Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority; authority to dissolve, disposition of property.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2396 - Deed fraud; VHDA to evaluate prevalence, develop recommendations for prevention, etc.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2482 - Va. Public Procurement Act; additional public works contract requirements.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2550 - Noise abatement monitoring systems; counties in Planning Districts 8 and 16 to place & operate.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2559 - Authority of local governments; definitions, service employess.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2724 - Automatic license plate recognition systems; use, reports, penalty.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2764 - Collective bargaining by public employees; exclusive bargaining representatives.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1088 - Va. Retirement System; enhanced retirement benefits for 911 dispatchers, delayed effective date.01/20/2025Incorporated
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1156 - Va. Retirement System; enhanced retirement benefits for 911 dispatchers, delayed effective date.01/20/2025Incorporated
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1165 - Solar photovoltaic equipment, etc.; national environmental protection and product safety standards.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1263 - Water and sewer connection fees; new residential development.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1420 - Forfeited assets; law enforcement use.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1422 - Zoning violations; appeals, fines.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1476 - Vacant and blighted or derelict property; locality allowed to sell.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1489 - Authority of local governments; definitions, service employees.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB796 - Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority; authority to dissolve, disposition of property.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority; authority to dissolve. Provides that the board of directors of the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority may by resolution divest itself of property owned by the Authority and may transfer all such property to a locality.
SB836 - Poquoson, City of; amending charter, powers of city council.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: Amends the charter for the City of Poquoson to give the city council authority to expel, by a vote of four-sevenths of the whole city council, any person appointed to a city board or commission by the city council.
SB851 - Rainwater harvesting systems, certain; local ordinances for use.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB852 - Photo speed monitoring devices; proof of violation affirmed by retired law-enforcement officials.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB880 - Assault firearms; carrying in public areas prohibited, penalty.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB913 - Virginia Public Procurement Act; procurement of imported goods, forced and child labor prohibition.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB917 - Collective bargaining by public employees; exclusive bargaining representatives.01/20/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.