Land Use & Growth Management

Legislative Updates
HB1601 - Data centers; site assessment for high energy use facility.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1827 - Comprehensive plan; social determinants of health.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2037 - Land development; solar canopies in surface parking areas.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2330 - Notice of certain land use actions; first-class mail to last known address, etc., of property owner.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2533 - Counties, cities, and towns; comprehensive plan may include tiny homes or accessory dwelling units.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2630 - Trees; replacement during development process in localities, tree canopy fund.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2660 - Subdivision ordinance; shortens timeframe for local approvals.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1254 - Comprehensive plan; environmental justice strategy.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1267 - Zoning; enhanced civil penalties, certain residential violations.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1313 - Affordable housing; local zoning ordinance authority, comprehensive plan.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1422 - Zoning violations; appeals, fines.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1449 - Data centers; site assessment for high energy use facility.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB838 - Recovery residences; certification required penalty, report.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: Changes the existing civil penalty for a violation of law related to the operation of recovery residences to a Class 1 misdemeanor. The bill also directs the Secretary of Health and Human Resources to convene a work group to (i) make recommendations related to oversight and transparency for recovery residences and (ii) develop credentialing guidelines for recovery residences. The bill directs the work group to report its findings and recommendations to the General Assembly by October 1, 2025.
SB974 - Subdivision ordinance; plan review by designated agent, definition of "designated agent."02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.