Energy Efficiency

Legislative Updates
HB1616 - Offshore Wind Industry Workforce Program and Fund; established, report, sunset.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1779 - Carbon-free energy or clean energy; definition of fusion energy.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1819 - Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE); changes to financing program, definitions.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1821 - Electric utilities; accelerated renewable energy buyers, zero-carbon electricity.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1822 - Electric utilities; construction of certain electrical transmission lines, advanced conductors.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1883 - Electric utilities; renewable energy portfolio standard program requirements.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1934 - Electric utilities; generation of electricity from renewable and zero carbon sources.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB1935 - Income Qualified Energy Efficiency and Weatherization Task Force; established, report.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2024 - Solar photovoltaic equipment, etc.; national environmental protection and product safety standards.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2037 - Land development; solar canopies in surface parking areas.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2084 - Public utilities certain; SCC shall determine if using reasonable classifications of customers.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2087 - Electric utilities; transportation electrification, definitions.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2090 - Multi-family shared solar program; amends requirements for a shared facility, etc.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2113 - Solar Interconnection Grant Program; established, sunset, report.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2266 - Distribution cost sharing program; SCC shall establish, distribution system upgrades.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2346 - Virtual power plant pilot program; each Phase II Utility shall petition SCC for approval to conduct.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2413 - Electric utilities; integrated resource plans, Phase I or Phase II files updated plans, etc.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2426 - Small renewable energy projects; amends definition, permit by rule.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2537 - Energy storage requirements; Department of Energy, et al., to develop model ordinances, reports.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2663 - Electricity consumption tax; rate adjustments.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
HB2744 - Electric utilities; energy efficiency upgrades, report.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1021 - Electric utilities; integrated resource plans, Phase I or Phase II files updated plans, etc.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1040 - Electric utilities; renewable energy portfolio standard program requirements.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1047 - Demand response programs; Dept. of Energy to evaluate & assess benefits, and recommendations.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1058 - Distribution cost sharing program; SCC shall establish, distribution system upgrades.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1076 - Phase I Utilities; securitized asset costs, rate increases in certain months prohibited, etc.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1100 - Virtual power plant pilot program; each Phase II Utility shall petition SCC for approval to conduct.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1165 - Solar photovoltaic equipment, etc.; national environmental protection and product safety standards.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1192 - Electric utilities; generation of electricity from renewable and zero carbon sources.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1197 - Electric cooperative subsidiaries; customers exceeding 90 megawatts demand.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1239 - Cybersecurity; electric service by investor-owned electric utilities, report.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1316 - Renewable energy portfolio standard eligible sources; geothermal electric generating resources.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1336 - Electricity consumption tax; rate adjustments.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1338 - Carbon-free energy or clean energy; definition of fusion energy.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1342 - Electric utilities; energy efficiency upgrades, report.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB1394 - Energy storage requirements; Department of Energy, et al., to develop model ordinances, reports.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.
SB777 - Income-Qualified Energy Efficiency and Weatherization Task Force; established, definitions, report.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: Directs the Department of Housing and Community Development to establish, in consultation with the Department of Energy, the Department of Social Services, the State Corporation Commission, and the Clean Energy Advisory Board, a Low-Income Energy Efficiency and Weatherization Task Force
SB893 - Renewable energy portfolio standard program; geothermal heating and cooling systems, report.02/27/2025Awaiting Governor's Action
Notes: No additional notes.